Ginny's Danceworks
Celebrating 34 years of DANCE in Brighton, Michigan
5023 S Old US 23, Brighton, MI 48114
1. Illiness Policy: Parents are advised to keep their dancers home for the following conditions:
Pain - any complaints of unexplained or undiagnosed pain
Fever, nausea or vomiting
Infected skin or eyes or an undiagnosed rash
Children with known or suspected communicable diseases or lice.
2. Missing Classes: If a student will be missing a class, please call the office or email the studio and we will relay the information to the instructor.
3. Excessive Absences: Students with excessive class absences may be pulled from the recital without refund. This is at the teacher’s discretion.
4. Make Up Classes: There are no refunds for student absences whether it is due to student absence or studio closure. These can be made up within 6 weeks of the absence up to May 1st in an age appropriate class. See the office for make up class options.
5. Attendance is really important so that your dancer can keep up with the other dancers. When we start choreography for recital it is really important that all students are in class.