Ginny's Danceworks
Celebrating 34 years of DANCE in Brighton, Michigan
5023 S Old US 23, Brighton, MI 48114
Our 2023-24 Leadership
Academy Students

Ginny’s Danceworks Leadership Academy
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, do more and become more …you are a leader” by Jenny O’Brien
We are excited to bring back our leadership academy to teach kids how to be good role models, a leader in the school and learn skills to help them as the grow up. The skills and lessons they will gain from these roles are qualities they will carry with them throughout their lives. We have many positions for students to practice the new skills they will be learning.
Lend a helpful hand
Always listen
Do the right thing
Respect others
Customer service
Program Overview
Our leadership academy offers dancers the opportunity to gain hands on training and experience in the classroom, the store, and the office of the dance studio. We strongly believe in providing our students with opportunities to gain leadership skills and to encourage our young dancers who may have entrepreneurial dreams! This program runs all year, with June, July and August being our summer program.
The purpose of our program is to teach our students leadership and responsibility, and to prepare them for future jobs whether in a dance studio or elsewhere. When our program members turn 16 they will be more prepared than most having already had a few years of this experience under their belt. Our program will offer many components of which dancers can be involved. You must be at least 10 years or older to be apart of the program.
We will meet once a month for 45 minutes-1 hour. You can even zoom in for this if you need to. The cost to join the program is $75 (a one time fee). This is to cover expenses of your once a month training. You will then earn Danceworks Bucks for your hours that you work. Pay will depend on your experience and years in the program and what position you are doing. It will range from $2-$6 and more for Teachers Assistants and when you are filling in as a sub. Each month will have some sort of lesson and team bonding exercise. Miss Ginny will then assign everyone to a job to practice these skills. The staff member that you work with will be doing job evaluations throughout the year to help you learn along the way. Average hours you will work is 1-2 hours per week.
Leadership Positions available:
Acro Demonstrator - Students that will assist a teacher by simply being their class demonstrator. You must have good Acro technique and skills to be a demonstrator. This is also a great way to get in extra practice. You must be at least 10 years old and be enrolled in an Acro class.
Ballet Demonstrator - Students will be a demonstrator for ballet classes. You must have good ballet technique.
Student Assistant - Students will assist with almost all classes and learn to help little ones, be a good role model, and learn how teachers plan and run a class. Good technique must be used at all times. You must be taking Ballet, Jazz & Tap classes to be a Student Assistant and be at least 12 years old.
Student Ambassador - Lobby and office assistants are needed to greet students entering and exiting the building, pass out stickers and notes, untangle little ones clothes, help with crafts during camps and parties, help with the bulletin boards and other light tasks that need to get done. You must be at least 10 years for this position. Good handwriting is important for this position.
Store Merchandising Assistant - Students will learn to organize the store, restock items and keep the store looking fresh. Students will gain general experience in retailing.
Social Media Marketing Assistant - If you like to be creative and make fun posts about cool things that are happening at the studio, this will be a good place for you. You must be at least 14 for this position and be accountable. You will learn about the do’s and don’ts of social media, and work directly with Miss Marina in this position.
Teachers Assistant - Students must be 15 years old and have at least 2 years experience in the program to be eligible for this paid position. You must be taking Ballet, Jazz, Tap and have passed at least 2 Cecchetti exams. This job is like the Student Assistant but with added responsibilities and additional duties. You will assist more with classes and may have the opportunity to sub for the lead teacher. Oh - and you will receive a paycheck! You become an official Ginny’s Danceworks employee.
Other Perks
Leadership training once a month
Guest speakers (1-2 per year)
Represent the studio at events such as an open house, business expo, holiday show, recital, etc.
We will participate in one program to give back to our community
Priceless hands on leadership training and education to prepare you for your first job and beyond.
Expectations and Requirements
We will have our first meeting before classes start. You must be registered for your fall classes by then and bring your schedule with you, so that we can schedule your assistant or ambassador time. You are expected to commit and dedicate yourself to the responsibility, whether it’s a class you assist in each week or your weekly ambassador lobby duty. You may have the same roll or choose a new one! Some roles may not change all year and others will.
Cancelling and Finding A Sub
If you can not make it to your assigned position, you MUST call the office, or email. Just like any job, you are expected to find a sub if you cannot make your shift. You will receive a list of all program members phone numbers and emails, along with being on a GroupMe with the entire group. You can use the GroupMe to get subs. This can be set up in advance but you need to let the office know who your sub will be. When you are sick, we understand you may not be able to find a sub and that is ok. We are here to help and understand this may be tricky last minute. Please do your best. Miss Ginny and Miss Mary Ellen will be on the GroupMe with you and will let you know if a sub is not actually needed.
When you arrive, you MUST sign in on your sheet in the staff time book. If you don’t sign in your time will not be accounted for. We will not check up on it and chase you down - this is your responsibility and part of your job. You need to arrive 5-10 minutes before the start of your shift.
What to Wear:
When you are on duty, you are expected to wear what is listed below. Always look neat, clean and presentable. You are representing Ginny’s Danceworks and Dancewear Shoppe and have lots of eyes looking up to you! Even parents will be looking to you as an example and leader. Always wear a smile.
Ambassadors and Merchandising Assistants: Please dress nicely, wearing a skirt, dress or nice pants and top. (you may wear any Ginny’s Danceworks Logo apparel)
Demonstrators, Student & Teachers Assistants: Proper dance attire, just like you are at class. Leotard, FULL footed tights, hair in a bun.
This is not NOT your parents job, IT’S YOURS! Having your parent take on any responsibility of your role, including reaching out to parents or students for you when you need a sub is not acceptable. This includes emails or phone calls from parents regarding your duties, except on an emergency basis. You are capable of texting, calling or emailing us. This is part of the learning experience and the responsibilities of a job.
Student & Teacher Assistant Reminders
Don’t wait to be asked to help. Jump in and take the initiative. Pre-school and early childhood classes are fast moving and you need to be on your toes at all times!
Be confident and speak clearly.
Learn you students names.
Build your students self esteem with positivity
Always be kind in your words with the little ones. Remember, it is not your responsibility to discipline them, this is the instructors job.
Dress and act in a mature, professional manner with students and parents. They are looking up to you. Many little dancers want to grow up and be just like their “big girl” assistant someday.
As the session goes on, you may be asked to take the lead on things like warm up and across the floor exercises as part of your training.
Always help the instructor get the kids ready for class and when leaving. They will need help with clothes and shoes. Make sure they have all their things and that their bags are closed. If they are wearing coats, make sure they are zipped.
During holidays and recital season you must know the dance just like the teacher!
Student Ambassador & Store Merchandising reminders
You are the face of Ginny’s Danceworks & Dancewear Shoppe.
Be courteous and helpful to parents and students at all times.
Dance studio life can be chaotic sometimes! Your assistance in the lobby and around the studio will be helpful.
When you are on duty, it isn’t a time to sit around, play on your phone or talk to your friends. If we have reprimand you more than once, you risk being removed from the leadership program.
To be a part of this program, simply sign up for the Leadership Academy in the parent portal by September 6, 2022. It is a one time fee to join, but we will meet monthly.